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Wisconsin Family Business Center - Supporting business-owning families

March 4th, 2021

Resonant Capital Advisors built our business to represent our families, friends and the overall communities where we live. As part of this effort, we support a number of institutions and organizations that reflect the values of our employees and clients. These community posts reflect some of our commitment to these beliefs. We welcome your feedback and ideas on these initiatives.

UW fbc logo

Family businesses play a powerful role in today's global economy. From traditional "mom-and-pops" to global corporations, these businesses represent a massive number of enterprises, many of which have unique challenges and opportunities.

Resonant Capital Advisors advises numerous clients who are owners, shareholders and employees in leading family businesses and is a sponsor of the Wisconsin Family Business Center (FBC). The FBC is a supportive community of business-owning families committed to learning together and sharing knowledge in order to build strong families and better businesses today and into the future.

Resonant counts a number of client families that are members of the FBC. Our team also makes multiple presentations to members and sponsors throughout the year. Resonant's President, Ben Dickey, is a current member of the FBC Advisory Board and also helping lead the Center’s strategic planning efforts as it celebrates its 25th year anniversary.

A number of Resonant team members are owners of family businesses ourselves, and so while we are proud to share our professional knowledge with the FBC’s stakeholders, we also personally appreciate the learning and community that comes from this important resource in our home state. In addition, we value the unique rewards and challenges that come with ownership and have found the FBC to be an invaluable resource for learning from others’ experience, insight and knowledge.

At the link below, you can read more about how two members of our team, Jill Derr (CFO) and Dan Blake (COO), view Resonant’s role within our own family businesses and what these businesses mean to our economy and communities.